Sunday, March 6, 2011

fourth step

Now that you have the screen ready with the design we can finally create our t-shirt  forcing one colour of fabric dye or paint through the unblocked areas of the fabric to the T-shirt.

You will need:
  • T-shirt
  • Squeegee
  • Fabric dye or paint
  • Screen ready with design
  1. First, lay the t-shirt down on a flat surface.
  2. Lay the screen on top of the t-shirt. Center your design on the t-shirt.
  3. Secure the screen to the table somehow so it doesn't move around.
  4. Pour some ink at the top of the screen (away from you). 
  5. With the squeegee slowly bring the ink across the image (dont put a lot of pressure) so is evenly inked.
  6. Second time bring the ink across one more time but this time apply a lot of pressure (all in one motion).
  7. Once you have the design printed in the t-shirt let it dry under a lamp or sun.

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