Thursday, April 21, 2011

Scrawny Johnny wants to learn about triathlons

Ok here's the informational web game I created. It took me a while and actually needed more time. Im planning on going back and working some things. I am also planning to make it a little bit more informational, I only specified the info about the three sports involved in a triathlon. Hope you like it!


  1. The graphics are amazing! I'm really impressed with your drawing skills! I've learned that triathlons are serious business. haha I'll be honest. I'm not sure if I would be brave enough to train for one. But I think it's great you and Scrawny Johnny are both training! :)

  2. Wow Oscar! This is really good! I love the drawings! The only thing is I couldn't figure out how to move on from the TV screen. Maybe I'm missing something... I would really like to see the rest, so let me know how to proceed to the next level.
